Gracefully dealing with private keys in Kotlin MultiPlatform

Yesterday I shared my KMP project with someone in order to give an example from it but building the project failed because that person didn’t have the secret keys. Then I realised that I didn’t give enough attention about how to host secrets so that others can easily clone and build the project successfully.
The aim is simple, I want to secure my keys! I don’t want to commit them but in the same time I don’t want my project to fail because of missing keys if a person clones it.
When I started to move my project to KMP, I didn’t give much attention how to deal with this scenario. I created an object called Keys
, I had const
values in it and I added this file to .gitignore
so that no one can see it. Then I added a step
into my GitHub Action file in order to deal with CI:
Before I start, I want to share the library I use. It is called BuildKonfig. It is a great solution for KMP projects.
Android Developers familiar with BuildConfig
class, it is an auto-generated class and we are able to pass values and keys from Gradle to Java/Kotlin files. BuildKonfig
is doing same for Kotlin Multi Platform 💪
If you check the library, you will see that they use the simple approach:
It generates a
file with one String
variable called name
and the value is value
The problem here is that I still have to put my keys 🤔
They suggest to use it with
like this:
and in gradle:
It looks great but it still doesn’t solve my problem. I have to commit
since it is part of the build. So I started to look for a way that I can handle this without committing the file.
I decided to create a file and call it
inside common
module and I added it into my .gitignore
And I added into build.gradle.kts
So by this way I kept
in my local and I didn’t commit it and application build successfully since props["base_url_backend"]
returned null. It passed http://fake.backend.url
into BuildKonfig
Now the cloned project can be easily compiled with fake
urls since we use asBuildKonfig.BASE_URL_API
anywhere in app.
The final BuildKonfig
object for people that cloned my repo will be:
And for me the values are the real
ones, since I have
in my local 🙂
If you want to check the commit regarding to these changes, it is here
Happy coding!